Call Us Today On 0477 226 878
Where A Consultation Is A Conversation
- NOT A Commitment
Please welcome our new Preferred Patient Program Business
Aligning with the best businesses Maroochydore has to offer we provide our patients discounts on local products and services through our Preferred Patient Card System.
We are excited to announce that SNAP FITNESS MAROOCHYDORE has joined this program. This allows for great membership savings for all our patients (see image) and 50% reductions in a full care plan for any SNAP gym members seeking Chiropractic care.
We look forward to helping our community increase their performance and human potential through the art, science and philosophy of chiropractic.
At Align Chiropractic we always extend the offer of a Complimentary Consult so you can understand why we are so different from traditional chiropractic.
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Align Chiropractic Centre
Active Living
81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore
Queensland 4558
0477 226 878
Our Motto
Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art
technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the innate
recuperative capacity of the body to work optimally.
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