by Frank | Sep 21, 2018 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT TINNITUS & STRUCTURAL CORRECTIVE CARE!!! Could Inner Ear Muscle Dysfunction Be The Cause? Tinnitus is one of the most misunderstood and most difficult conditions to correct. Current medical science has little to offer on what causes tinnitus, and even less to offer in forms of successful treatment. While we do not have a magic bullet for tinnitus, in the following blog we will attempt to shed some light on what some of the literature is saying about its origin and how Structural Correction may help end your nightmare. Tinnitus is defined as a ringing, roaring, or whining in the ear that may be either constant or transient. Some patients find that tinnitus is made worse by stress, however, many find no real correlation to what makes it ebb and flow. Tinnitus is also very common with, vertigo, TMJ, and cognitive fog. What Does The Research Say? There are several peers reviewed studies in the literature that implicate the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles involvement. Hypertonicity of these muscles can cause tension on the insertion of the muscle that connects to a piece of cartilage in the inner ear. This increase in tension creates stress that then alters sensory input to the nerve system. Another article suggests that clonus (tightening of the muscle) is responsible for the clicking sensation that some tinnitus sufferers experience. Medical Intervention: There is...
by Frank | Aug 27, 2018 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Walk for Mental Health Awareness! You might catch me wearing a dashing orange cap in the coming weeks as we are supporting SNAP FITNESS MAROOCHYDORE and the WALK FOR AWARENESS…. an opportunity for the community to come together to support each other, to break the silence on mental illness and to contribute to the funding of programs that are making adifference on the front line with mental health issues. It is on Sunday 7th October 2018 in Brisbane’s Captain Burke Park Kangaroo Point. Mental Health Weeks Official Walk. Register Now $25 Early Bird or $30 After 31st August 2018 Learn more at follow on instagram at and join the snap event at TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA ??? Trigeminal Neuralgia is characterised as an intense stabbing pain of the face. Pain can be constant or come in random bursts. It can affect your eye, your nose, your upper mouth, your jaw, the side of your head or combinations of them all. It can affect the left side of your face or the right or both. Trigeminal Neuralgia affects 1 per 1000 people with over 1000 new cases diagnosed in Australia every year. This adds up to 3+ new cases every day. It is also the #1 most painful condition known to humankind. (As a comparison, natural child birth ranks #4). It is for this unfortunate reason that it...
by Frank | Jul 30, 2018 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Please welcome our new Preferred Patient Program Business SNAP FITNESS MAROOCHYDORE!!! Aligning with the best businesses Maroochydore has to offer we provide our patients discounts on local products and services through our Preferred Patient Card System. We are excited to announce that SNAP FITNESS MAROOCHYDORE has joined this program. This allows for great membership savings for all our patients (see image) and 50% reductions in a full care plan for any SNAP gym members seeking Chiropractic care. We look forward to helping our community increase their performance and human potential through the art, science and philosophy of chiropractic. At Align Chiropractic we always extend the offer of a Complimentary Consult so you can understand why we are so different from traditional chiropractic. . Next | Back Learn More About Structural Vs Tradition Align Chiropractic Centre Active Living 81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore Queensland 4558 0477 226 878 facebook Twitter Our Motto Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the innate recuperative capacity of the body to work optimally. Privacy Policy | Copyright 2015 Align Chiropractic Centre | Website by Barking Mad...
by Frank | Jun 11, 2018 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Dentists, the Jaw and Chiropractic ! A single session of chiropractic care increases maximal bite force in healthy individuals with potentially long-lasting effects! This year continues to be a great one for the Centre for Chiropractic Research. One of our studies that has recently been accepted for publication showed that a single session of chiropractic care increased jaw muscle bite strength in a group of healthy individuals (1). In this study, we measured the bite force of 28-subjects jaw muscles which was assessed before and after a single session of chiropractic care or a control intervention (sham adjustment) and then again one week later. The chiropractic care given to these healthy people, who had never received chiropractic care before, comprised of full spine adjusting wherever subluxations were found through clinical assessment. The results of this study showed that bite force significantly increased in the chiropractic group (by 11%) compared to the control group (no significant difference). This group difference was also seen a week later where the chiropractic group bite force remained increased (by 13%) while the control group decreased (by 6.3%). This study is really interesting because it showed that adjusting the spine impacted jaw muscle strength, which is controlled by cranial nerves. This supports the growing body of research that suggests that chiropractic care impacts human performance by changing brain function (2-5). Further...
by Frank | Apr 30, 2018 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Menieres Disease! Meniere’s disease is a condition that may results in, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the affected ear, vertigo and hearing loss. These symptoms are severe and able to strike at any time. It is important to know what may be Primary triggers. Here are three categories of Meniere’s disease triggers, followed by a natural way to get help that is bringing hope to many with Meniere’s disease and other vertigo conditions. This knowledge will hopefully lead to fewer episodes and a better ability to perform normal daily activities #1 Environmental Triggers of Meniere’s Disease Anything that can affect the inner ear can potentially trigger a Meniere’ flare-up. Thus, there are numerous triggers a person could run into throughout the day. Here are a few examples of environmental factors that can affect symptoms: Weather changes – Changes in the barometer that occur when a storm system is moving through an area can trigger attacks. Unfortunately, weather triggers are among the most unavoidable. Allergens – Anything that leads to congestion and the production of histamine in the body can add to the fluid in the ears. Since endolymphatic hydrops (an excess of fluid in the ear) is a contributing factor to Meniere’s, this can result in an attack. It is also why antihistamines are sometimes prescribed to patients. Chemicals – Certain chemicals you may come in contact to at...