by Frank | Jan 13, 2020 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT NEW HOURS! New office open Hours start next month Monday 2pm to 6pm (your correction hours 4-6pm) Wednesday 830am- 1130am (your correction hours 8:30 to 10:30am Friday 1:30pm to 6pm (your correction hours 1:30-2pm and 4pm to 6pm) Outside of these times and for pet/animal house calls you must book on 0477226878 Chiropractic and Fertility It is estimated that up to 12 percent of women face challenges getting pregnant. In 2018, nearly seven million men and women in the usa sought help through assisted fertility treatment, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). The price of this treatment averages $17,000usd with an average success rate of less than thirty-three percent. Both women and men can have problems that cause infertility. About one-third of infertility cases are caused by women’s problems. Another one-third of fertility problems are due to the man. The other cases are caused by a mixture of male and female problems or by unknown problems. The science of chiropractic is founded on the premise that a properly functioning nervous system is the foundation of health and that the structural integrity of the spinal column must be maintained in order to facilitate optimal nervous system transmission and communication in the human body. There are many reasons that spinal adjustments can contribute to the resolution of many cases of infertility. First of all, the uterus...
by Frank | Jan 25, 2016 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT #3 Structural Shifts and Children’s Immune System! Welcome, this week we take a look at the Immune system. What you need to know is that a healthy Immune System is about elevating one’s natural resistance to germs and disease rather than avoiding them and eliminating symptoms. There has been a definite shift by the general public towards this ‘Chiropractic’ type of understanding during our lifetime. Now days if you go to any bookstore you can find the health section lined with books about how to BOOST your immune system and many of them are very good with great information. That being said there is far less information on just how the immune system is driven directly or indirectly by proper nerve supply. If you were to Google the words “Immune system boost”, you will find in excess of 16,500,000 hits, so clearly this is a topic that is important to the public. Parents may feel that the health of their children is not great, and they also suspect that long held traditional views of health may not tell the full story. More and more, this topic is being talked about openly in public, in books and magazines. Dr. Robert Ader, a psychologist at the University of Rochester School Of Medicine, performed key experiments to prove the brain-nervous system- immune system connection. I will summarise...
by Frank | Jan 17, 2016 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Blog post 4! The Birth Process and Structural Shifts Through out human history it has been common for the birth process to occur and babies to have been born early in the morning. This may be because it is a time when the mother is well rested and relaxed which in turn facilitated as easy of a birth as possible. During the last century the modern birthing process has become the norm, where the date and time of the birth is scheduled-often for the convenience of the delivery team. This intervention may lead to increased force and stress during the delivery. A tremendous amount of stress is placed on the neck by the modern birthing process. There is a NORMAL way for the head to present during delivery. If the baby’s head presents in any other way than with the face down (Normal), there can be added stress to the structures of the spine. Any intervention such as vacuum or forceps may cause additional trauma to the head and neck. Cesarean section is also considered a traumatic birth when considering the effects on the spine. Sometimes the ability and the capacity of the pelvis is insufficient to allow the child to navigate easily through the birth canal. This may occur due to a small pelvis, an abnormal pelvic formation, or due to the size of...
by Sunshine | Jun 11, 2015 |
. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Beginnings - The Primitive Streak We will discuss how the brain and spinal cord are formed in the womb in order to lay a foundation for subsequent posts as we get into the birth process and the effects of Structural Shifts, their associated Secondary Conditions and how we can make Structural Correction towards NORMAL!!! Your child was once one singular cell that began to divide at an incredible rate. Just 15 days after conception the original stem cells start to separate into the different tissues they will become. This is first seen in something called the primitive streak. We are interested mainly in the ectoderm as it turns into the master controlling system of the body, your nervous system. Neurons grow at the amazing rate of 250,000 per minute in a child developing in the womb. The next post will talk about the birthing process and how Structural Shifts may occur during this time. This streak marks the beginning of gastrulation. Simply put, all the original stem cells now separate into 3 distinct levels in an embryonic disc. The layers are the ectoderm, mesoderm and the endoderm. The ectoderm turns into the nervous system and skin. The mesoderm turns into muscle and bone, while the endoderm turns into your internal organs. The ectoderm becomes the brain, the spinal cord (both encased in what will be...