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Issue1; Iliopsoas Muscle Injury in Dogs
iliopsoas muscle is formed by the psoas major and iliacus muscles, which mainly arise from the lumbar vertebrae and ilium. They fuse to insert on the lesser trochanter of the femur. This muscle functions as a hip flexor.
So if your dog has a problem with hip flexion it is easy to diagnose if it is due to strain of the illiopsoas .
It can be unilateral or bilateral depending on the underlying reason for injury. Direct palpation of the tendinous insertion point of the iliopsoas typically will result in marked discomfort and will confirm this diagnosis. Hip extension and concurrent internal rotation can also cause discomfort, as it increases the pressure on the musculature. Often, the asymmetry of response in a unilaterally affected case is impressive, as dogs with a normal iliopsoas muscle won’t respond to compression at the lesser trochanter.
Early detection and institution of early treatment will generally result in resolution of an acute injury. These injuries need at least 4-6 weeks of strict rest to prevent repeated trauma. This is absolutely critical to success, and failure of resolution of an acute athletic injury is often the result of poor owner compliance. Physical therapy with stretching and massage can also be pursued during this period of strict rest. Following this period of strict rest, low impact activities, such as leash walks or controlled swimming, should slowly be introduced over a few weeks before concussive activities, like jumping and rough housing, are allowed. Other modalities, such as therapeutic ultrasound with concurrent stretching, may provide benefit.
iliopsoas strain is a source of pelvic limb lameness. Palpation and a complete orthopedic evaluation will often result in diagnosis. If discovered in a timely fashion, medical management, adequate rest, and physical therapy are often successful; however, if pain persists, underlying disease must be suspected. An MRI would be of great benefit to assess the musculotendinous and nerve structures in that region if no orthopedic injury can be found to account for the chronic pain. Tenectomy at the insertion site is a viable option to relieve pain if medical management fails.
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Align Chiropractic Centre
Active Living
81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore
Queensland 4558
0477 226 878
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Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art
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