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Standing Platforms!

Here are some ideas with respect to standing platforms while utilizing a standing desk.

There are some folks who like to use a treadmill with a standing desk, but I personally find that undoable and a perceivable pain in the ass.

The BEST SOLUTION (in many forms) is basically a wobble board on steroids.

The high-end product out there is made by FLUIDSTANCE and is called THE ORIGINAL (www.fluidstance.com). It costs $489.00 usd and is their top of the line model made with bamboo and hand-cast aluminum.

Just below that is THE LEVEL at $289.00 usd (also well made, but can’t handle the same weight as THE ORIGINAL).

Finally, they just released their latest and least expensive offering called THE PLANE at $189.00 usd. THE PLANE is made from recycled product and will do just fine.

There is also the WURF BOARD. The WURF BOARD ranges in price from $199.00 to $269.00 usd depending on size. If you use Promo Code WURFIN20, you can save $20.00 usd off your purchase :). The WURF board is customizable because it has air cells (comes with a mini air pump). It’s nice. You can find it at www.wurf.com.

There are OTHER COMPANIES making these kinds of products, but interestingly, the one that I recommend to most people comes from a surprisingly interesting source.

If you watch SHARK TANK, you may recall that Lori Greiner gave a deal to a company that made a similar style board that came packaged with a workout program (www.simplyfitboard.com).

NOW HERE’S THE THING…even if you care about the workout program, you can still by a very good board with a weight capacity of 300 lbs that is virtually indestructible and easily affordable.

I would just purchase the SimplyFit boards due to their architecture. To ME, purchasing THE PLANE or any other FluidStance is a waste of money KNOWING what I know now. The SimplyFit board is indestructible and can be cleaned with any household cleaner and garden hose.




Align Chiropractic Centre

Active Living
81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore
Queensland 4558

0477 226 878

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Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art
technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the innate
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