New Neural Communication !!!

New Neural Communication !!!

. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT Neuroscientists find entirely new form of Neural Communication!!! Communication is the nerve systems most important function as it runs every single cell tissue and organ either directly or indirectly. Scientists think they’ve identified a previously unknown form of neural communication that self-propagates across brain tissue, and can leap wirelessly from neurons in one section of brain tissue to another – even if they’ve been surgically severed. Chiang, C., Shivacharan, R. S., Wei, X., Gonzalez‐Reyes, L. E., & Durand, D. M. (2019). Slow periodic activity in the longitudinal hippocampal slice can self‐propagate non‐synaptically by a mechanism consistent with ephaptic coupling. The Journal of Physiology, 597, 249-269. doi:10.1113/JP276904       . Next | Back Learn More About Structural Vs Tradition Align Chiropractic Centre Active Living 81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore Queensland 4558 0477 226 878 facebook Twitter Our Motto Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the innate recuperative capacity of the body to work optimally. Privacy Policy  |  Copyright 2015 Align Chiropractic Centre  |  Website by Barking Mad...
Another Discovery

Another Discovery

. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT   New Organ Discovered! Although hard to believe, scientific discovery has unearthed another new body part. Last year we covered how , In 2015, scientists discovered a “missing link” between the immune system and the brain which they called the “central nervous system lymphatic system vessels.” They believe that it is the “missing link” between the brain and the immune system.  Now Scientists have confirmed an new organ has been identified. The new organ is called the mesentery,and you can find it in our gut. The mesentery was previously believed to be made of fragmented, separate structures. New research has shown that it’s actually one continuous organ.  Grey’s Anatomy, the world’s most famous medical textbooks, have even been edited to include the update and the discovery may hold the key to better understanding digestive disorders. Still, it’s unclear exactly what the mesentery does. From a Chiropractic understanding we know that all body parts have a reason for being there but to the medical community  “The body part has been long ignored and believed to be otherwise useless, but scientists are beginning to change their ideas on its function”.       M.A.S.I… A 3D evaluation and peak specificity! This year we begin with our Multi Axial Structural Imaging (MASI) analysis for all our patients. This is a three dimensional imaging of the neck, which gives us a 3d model...
100 year Anniversary September 18th 1916

100 year Anniversary September 18th 1916

. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT   Anniversary Celebrating A Century Of Chiropractic!!! September this year marks the 100-year anniversary of Chiropractic in our family. My Great Grandfather Frank Tolleen was Sweden’s very first graduated Chiropractor back in 1916. Followed by both my grandparents May and Lars (1940 Palmer) and by my father Larry (1972 North Western: who at 76 is still working in Finland). My twin brother Finn also works as an animal chiropractor in Sweden. As far as I am aware, at this time there are 14 families in the world that have 4th generation Chiropractors in them.             September 18th is also considered the Chiropractic professions official birthday as on that day in 1895 the very first chiropractic adjustment was delivered by the founder of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer. Remember to visit your Preferred Patient Card Businesses for your discounted products and services     . Next | Back Learn More About Structural Vs Tradition Align Chiropractic Centre Active Living 81 Sixth Avenue, Maroochydore Queensland 4558 0477 226 878 facebook Twitter Our Motto Align Chiropractic Centre is focused on structural correction of the spine. We use state of the art technology and techniques to restore full function of the spine and nervous system to allow the innate recuperative capacity of the body to work optimally. Privacy Policy  |  Copyright 2015 Align Chiropractic Centre  |  Website by Barking...
#6 Structural Shifts, pain, and the healing  process

#6 Structural Shifts, pain, and the healing process

. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT   Structural Shifts, pain, and the healing  process ! The Philosophy of health is the WHY! Why the body works and why the body ALWAYS work the way it does.  The Physiology is HOW the body works and how the body ALWAYS works the way it does.  Both are equally valuable to grasp a true understanding of our incredible bodies. Pain, symptoms and healing  pathways are all part of physiology and ALL are guided  by a set of rules that are applied with purpose. You might remember that twenty years ago there was a great “Cholesterol Scare” (or what many now call the great Cholesterol Hoax) where  Cholesterol  became public enemy number one and was blamed as the cause for just  about everything?  What research showed was that Cholesterol was not necessarily a bad thing–in many cases  it was part of an intelligent adaptive response and to simply attempt to “chemically lower cholesterol”  without  improving the function and vitality of the body actually did more harm than good. The question is what is the new “villain”?  Inflammation has been blamed as the cause of just about every health  problem  under the sun. Once it is properly  “vilified”-than  just about ANY efforts to “remove,  mask, inhibit, suppress  or hide it” will be encouraged and embraced. The role of inflammation  in the healing  process  has been misunderstood for many  years. However,  recent neurological  and...
#1 Beginnings

#1 Beginnings

. Call Us Today On 0477 226 878 Schedule A Complimentary Consultation Where A Consultation Is A Conversation - NOT A Commitment ABOUT Meet the Staff SERVICES Structural Corrective Care Structural Paediatric and Pregnancy Care Structural Animal Care BLOG Health Reports CONTACT   Beginnings - The Primitive Streak   We will discuss how the brain and spinal cord are formed in the womb in order to  lay a foundation for subsequent posts as we get into the birth process and the effects of Structural Shifts, their associated Secondary Conditions and how we can make Structural Correction towards NORMAL!!!   Your child was once one singular cell that began to divide at an incredible rate. Just 15 days after conception the original stem cells start to separate into the different tissues they will become. This is first seen in something called the primitive streak. We are interested mainly in the ectoderm as it turns into the master controlling system of the body, your nervous system. Neurons grow at the amazing rate of 250,000 per minute in a child developing in the womb.   The next post will talk about the birthing process and how Structural Shifts may occur during this time.   This streak marks the beginning of gastrulation. Simply put, all the original stem cells now separate into 3 distinct levels in an embryonic disc. The layers are the ectoderm, mesoderm and the endoderm. The ectoderm turns into the nervous system and skin. The mesoderm turns into muscle and bone, while the endoderm turns into your internal organs. The ectoderm becomes the brain, the spinal cord (both encased in what will be...